Constant Output 5: Little Guy
I’m not proud of this one. I wanted to try to apply what I learned from studying the walk cycle to a little guy but without proper armature, the character can’t stand up on one leg by itself without toppling over. I also didn’t realize how out-of-focus my camera was for random parts of the video until it was too late. I also didn’t realize how much I was moving the flower vase around. Oh well. Here it is anyway.
I’m looking forward to getting back to the photo studio at Jay St. I haven’t been able to make it there recently because of other assignments that were unexpectedly time-consuming so I had to make do with what I had in my apartment. The one thing I did take away from this though was that it could be really interesting to use stop motion in a real-life backdrop or have it interact with a real-life object, like the flower. Anyway, I think I’ll start building an armature soon.